Once your child activates an eBook, they can download Cambridge One Desktop App to access it offline, they can follow these steps:
1. Log in to www.cambridgeone.org
2. Click 'Download' on the banner
Alternatively, select the profile icon in the top right corner, then ‘The Cambridge One Desktop App’
3. Click the 'Download' button for your operating system
4. You’ll now see the Cambridge One Desktop App installation file in your 'Downloads' folder. Double click it to start
5. For Windows and Mac, once installed, the app icon will appear on your desktop. Click on it to launch and log in.
Now that your app is installed, you can download your child's materials. If you'd like guidance, read: How does my child download their materials on Cambridge One Desktop App?
For Linux (latest versions for Ubuntu and Debian distros)
The Desktop App launcher is downloaded in a form of an AppImage (.appimage) file. This file won't have an execution permission by default. To convert it into an executable file in and launch the app, follow these steps:
Via Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1. Locate the AppImage file in the machine
2. Right click the icon and select 'Properties'
3. Go to 'Permissions' tab
4. Check the checkbox for 'Execute to make the file executable'
5. Launch the app by double-clicking the file
Please note:
- New versions of Cambridge One Desktop App will update automatically when you are online
- To log in to the app your child needs to have a Cambridge One account. If they don’t have one, please go to www.cambridgeone.org and create one.