A HAR file is a log that records network traffic between a web browser and a server. It can be helpful to investigate and analyse next actions to resolve an issue.
You can create a HAR file by following these steps from your browser:
Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge
1. Open the site where you're experiencing the issue
2. Right-click the page and select ‘Inspect’, you may need to scroll down to find it
3. Click the 'Network' tab. If you don’t see it, click the two right arrows icon (>>) or the plus icon (+) to find it.
Please note: You must keep the menu open while you reproduce the issue
4. Check the preserve log box, then reload the page (press F5 or 'Ctrl' + 'R')
5. Once the page loads, reproduce the steps before reaching the issue, then click the Export icon
Please note: On Microsoft Edge, you may need to zoom out (press 'Ctrl' + '-') to see the Export button
6. Save the HAR file.
1. Open the site where you're experiencing the issue
2. Go to Safari > Settings then navigate to the Advanced tab
3. Check the box "Show features for web developers"
Please note: Steps 2 and 3 are only needed if you haven't already enabled Safari’s Develop menu before
4. Click 'Develop' then 'Connect Web Inspector' (or press 'option' + 'command' + 'I').
5. Click 'Other filter options...'
6. Then select 'Preserve log'
7. Reload the page ('Command' + 'R' on your keyboard).
8. Once the page loads, reproduce the steps before reaching the issue, then click the 'Export' icon
9. Save the HAR File
1. Open the site where you're experiencing the issue
2. Press F12 or Right-click the page and select ‘Inspect’, you may need to scroll down to find it
3. Go to the ‘Network’ tab
4. Reload the page (press F5 or 'Ctrl' + 'R')
5. After the page loads, reproduce the steps before reaching the issue, then right-click a request and select ‘Save all as HAR’
6. Save the HAR file.